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Capsule Credibility

 Micronutrition in a big way 

With over 30 varieties of Fruits, Vegetables and Berries, the Capsules are a source of micronutrition. Their purpose? To build, repair and protect.


Fruits and vegetable are the foundation of good health. Humans require phytonutrients and antioxidants to prevent cell damage and lower our risk of certain diseases such as heart-related, vision, memory, mood and immune. The free radicals our bodies produce outnumber the naturally occurring antioxidants, which is why increasing our fruit and vegetable intake is so important. Likewise, phytonutrients promote antioxidants, and assist with anti-inflammatory, and liver-health-promoting activities.


A 4-month supply of capsules and a commitment to a healthier lifestyle* will see the following results:

  • Increased energy & concentration

  • Improved sleep

  • Healthier skin and stronger nails

  • Decreased cravings

  • Increased immune system

  • Reduced body fat

  • Increased muscle tone

  • Decreased appearance of cellulite

  • Overall increased wellbeing and mindset


*Capsules will certainly boost your wellbeing – this is guaranteed; however, an otherwise unhealthy lifestyle with little to no activity, poor diet, and bad habits such as alcohol abuse and smoking are detrimental to your overall wellbeing. While we highly recommend the capsules and use them ourselves, you must follow the suggested lifestyle adjustments and commit to a sustainably healthy lifestyle; this works in conjunction with the results of the gap-bridging capsules, maximising results.


For more information about the capsules, where the ingredients are sourced, how they are produced and more, visit our Quality Assurance page below.

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